The Racine's

The Racine's

Monday, September 29, 2014

We Love Paperwork (again!)

So this is the stage of adoption we affectionately refer to as "paper pregnant." SO MUCH PAPERWORK! We had our meeting with our agency a couple of weeks ago and it went great! It was suppose to last an hour but I think since we'd adopted before and knew all the "language" (and believe me, adoption comes with a language all it's own) we were able to get in and out in about 20 minutes. It went something like this: Did you have a background check last time? Yes. Okay you need another one. Did you make a profile book? Yes. Make another one. And on and on. I can see how if it was your first time adopting that meeting would take a while because everything is new and everything would need explaining (just like our first time around). We really like our agency and the woman we will be working with.

So now the paperwork begins. Filling out home study questions-they ask everything from what's your personality, to what's your marriage like, to your financial situation. We each had to answer about 15 questions and then write a narrative about ourselves. We also had to do fingerprints and go to the police station for background checks. I am in the process of making our profile book (think shutterfly book about our family). Although it is a lot of paperwork, it is significantly less than last time because we only had to fill out one agency application instead of 5-7 individual agency applications.

We have an all day orientation in late October and then from there we can schedule our home visit. They come to our house to make sure it is a fit environment for a child. It makes me laugh because we have a child so I sure hope it's a fit environment! We can't schedule our home visit until all of our paperwork is in and one of things that has to be turned in is a physical form from my doctor. Well, I can't get into my doctor until a few days after our paperwork is due. I am pretty much calling everyday to see if she has any cancellations but to no avail. I have to have it filled out by my primary doctor (no urgent care or minute clinic or even another doctor in the practice) She is also Kaleigh's doctor so I have to see her in order to get Kaleigh's paperwork filled out too. Would you pray that I will be able to get into her before our paperwork is due? If I don't get in before, it will just delay our home study by about a week so it's not a huge deal, but I would just love to get it done. I think God is trying to teach me that even in this I have no control. I have to trust Him.

Once we have our home visit, they will take our profile book that day and it will be in rotation (birth moms can start looking at it and potentially choosing us) within a day or two. From there it could be the next day or two about having no control and having to trust! But we do trust the Lord in this. We have seen Him work. Kaleigh is the perfect child for us and we know He will do the same with our next child. We just can't wait to see how He does it!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Adoption Update

So I just realized I have not posted since we announced that we were starting our second adoption. So here's the update!

We applied at the beginning of July and heard back that we were in the next group of home studies. We were really excited about that because it meant we weren't wait listed for a really long time. It's so funny though because it just revealed to me how much I don't like not being in control. I wanted to know exactly when they were going to the home study, how long it would take and when our book would be in rotation. I wanted all of it to happen yesterday! It has just been another opportunity for me to trust God and His timing.

Last week we got an email to schedule out initial meeting with our agency. I'm not totally sure what that meeting is going to be like. I am assuming that we will meet and talk about ourselves and about our family and about why we want to adopt. That meeting will be next Thursday. We are so thankful and excited to officially get the ball rolling in adopting baby #2.

From there the agency will come to our house to make sure it's safe and ready for a child. It's kind of amusing to me since we already have a child living here, but it's just part of the process! Once that happens we are hoping the process to get our book in rotation will be quick (we know it will be several weeks at least). We are hoping our book will go into rotation in early November, but we shall see. From there it's anywhere from the next day to two years. It will be another opportunity for us to trust the Lord and His timing in all of this.

We are so excited that we are finally at this point in the process! It kind of seems surreal. We pray often for our future child and his/her birth mother. We cannot wait to see what God has in store for us on this part of our beautiful journey!!