The Racine's

The Racine's

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kaleigh Month 8

Oh my word, how is it even possible that Kaleigh is 8 months old? There are LOTS (that's possibly an understatement) of new babies at our church and as I have visited them they seem soooo little. It's hard to ever believe Kaleigh was that little. Here's what our month looked like:

 First family picnic! We have some great parks around here so we decided to go for a picnic and give Kaleigh a try at the swing. She alternated between loving it and being unsure about it. Heath also took her down the slide which she wan't too fond of! 

 I decided to dress Kaleigh up for a mock photo shoot. Mock would be the key word there! Ha! I'm totally ridiculous!!

 Her first tooth popped through! She likes biting on our fingers and one day she bit down and it hurt-those suckers are sharp! No more biting on our fingers

She started sucking on her toes and I think it's precious! 

GO VOLS!! Some people become TN fans and some people are born TN fans. This little girl was born one! 

Watching the first TN game online with Mommy! (I may be a little obsessed with UT football!)

Trying out her new "big girl" car seat. I think she's a fan!

Family pic!

She loves this book. She just giggles and giggles when we read it to her. She likes to look at books a lot too. I love this pic of her and Heath! 

Her hair is long enough to put a bow in without a headband. I think it's the cutest thing!

These are 2 normal things around here-food all over her face and her tongue out. How is she so cute?!?

We have no clothing with her name or initials on it and I really wanted something so I decided to make this shirt for her. Heath couldn't tell it was a "K" so my friend Jenni helped me out and now we have a "K" shirt!

8 months old!!

Things she is doing:

*sitting up entirely on her own (like leave the room, come back and she's still sitting there sitting up)
*talking A LOT and usually pretty loudly! 
*moved to a big girl car seat because she is too long for her other one
*got her first tooth

Things she likes:

*our good friend Kendall got her a stuffed frog and she LOVES it
*still jumping in her bouncer (have I mentioned it's the best $3 I've ever spent!!)
*bath time!! she loves splashing around in the water
*going for walks...sometimes at night she is totally losing it but if we go for a walk she is completely fine (this could cause problems this winter!)
*field trips; she loves being out and about. We go walk around Target more times in a week then I care to mention-good for her, bad for my wallet!
*her little bear Marilyn gave her. We have it on her changing table and as soon as we put her down to change her she grabs it and plays with it-it's seriously so cute

Things she dislikes:

*other than not getting her way, there is not a whole lot she doesn't like at this point. She's a happy baby!!

Kaleigh is such a blessing and a joy to us. We are forever grateful for her!! Can't wait to see what next month holds for us!