The Racine's

The Racine's

Sunday, April 27, 2014

It Won't Always Be Like This

You see that sweet, happy face? The only way I get to see that face lately is if she's sitting on my lap just like that or I am holding her. If one of those two things isn't happening then more than likely there is either whining or crying going on. Some days Heath comes home and I say "if I don't get to go upstairs by myself for 5 minutes I'm going to lose my mind!"

Holding her or having her sit in my lap all day just is not realistic. There are things that have to get done-laundry, cooking, cleaning, going to the get the gist. I found (find) myself getting so frustrated that she wants me all the time and that she literally wants to be attached to me most of the time. With other people she is fine-Heath or at nursery or with other family-but with me she just whines all day long unless I'm holding her in some way.

Then it hit me: it won't always be like this. She isn't always going to want to sit in my lap. She isn't always going to want me to hold her (and I get lots of snuggles and kisses in when I hold her) It just isn't always going to be like this. I need to embrace it and love it. Now that doesn't mean every time she wants to be held or sit in my lap that it's going to happen. That is just simply not reality. But I want to embrace it more. I don't want to get frustrated with her. I want to take the moments that it is possible and do it, even if it's not necessarily the most convenient time.

I will update soon about all the fun things we have been doing. I just wanted to encourage anyone out there who struggles like me, to try to embrace it-it won't always be like this!