The Racine's

The Racine's

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Birthday Celebration

My birthday is in the middle of June and my (step)sister's birthday is at the end of July so for the last two summers my dad and step-mom have come up to Indiana to celebrate with us. It is such a fun treat to have them come up and spoil us for a few days. They stopped in Columbus on Friday night and we went out to eat with Heath's parents. On Saturday they left and went to Indy. Heath and I went up that night so we could all celebrate together. We of course documented the evening...

My sister is having her first baby in November. Can't wait to meet my nephew!

                                   Heath and Andrew showing off their "pregnant" bellies too

My dad and I 

We are so thankful they were able to come up!

3 years

Last week Heath and I celebrated our three year anniversary. It is so hard to believe that 3 years has already gone by. Where does the time go? I am beyond blessed to be the wife to this amazing man. He is so loving and good to me. I realize how much of a blessing he is to me.

For my birthday/anniversary present, Heath got us tickets to Cirque Du Soleil. Oh my word, it was amazing!!! If you have never been you have to go. It is unbelievable. We went right in between my birthday and anniversary so it was great timing. We went out to eat and then headed up to Indy for the show. It was such a great present. Here are some pictures from our outing that night and on our actual anniversary:

So thankful to have spent these last 3 years being Heath's wife!

On a side note, we forgot to eat our cake from our wedding on our fist and second anniversary so why not our third?!? Heath was less than thrilled to do this, but let me tell you that cake was just as good 3 years later as it was the day we first ate it.

Looking forward to many more years together!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Update on our life...

Sorry again that I haven't really updated in a while. Here is the update of the last few weeks...

First of all, we are under contract on our house in West Lafayette!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I can do enough exclamation points. We are so thrilled. We are suppose to close on July 30th so we are praying all goes well! It's funny because the last time I wrote a real post I talked about how God was telling us no for everything (our house selling included) He sold it that week!! It was so refreshing for us to see God do that. 

God has also provided for us here in that Heath's dad is allowing us to stay with him (which means no double mortgage-how do people afford that anyway?) God has also opened up another neat opportunity here for us when it comes to housing. Our sweet friends the Magnuson's are going to be going to China for 3 months for his work and have offered for us to stay in their house while they are gone! What a neat way for God to provide for us. We are super bummed they will be leaving because they're our only real friends here right now, but we are extremely grateful for their generosity and graciousness to us. So next week we will be moving into their house! 

During the time we are living there we are going to be looking for a house. We have already started looking at houses, but haven't really found anything that we like or that we think is a good deal. We are thankful that we don't have to be in a hurry to find something and that we can take our time and be patient. 

As far as the adoption, there's been no real progress. We had our profile book presented twice this week and were told no both times. It's hard to explain how it feels. On one hand we know God has perfect timing and He has the perfect baby for us, but on the other hand it's just hard and sad. We want to be parents so bad and want to bring our sweet baby home and it's just hard when we get told no. We have only presented 4 times and most people present a lot more than that so we are prepared, but it doesn't mean we're not disappointed at the same time. We also know that we have to buckle in for the long haul and can't expect it to go fast, but it's still disappointing. In a weird way it's like infertility. Every month I would hope I was pregnant only to be disappointed. Every time we present I hope we get chose and every time I have been disappointed. It's the whole hope and disappointment cycle. 

I think I get a little cynical too in all of it too. I think "it figures we didn't get picked." I know that is not at all the correct response. Part of me wonders if it's just a defense mechanism for me-I'm still checking my heart on all of that. I see how it leads me to not think correctly about God. Instead of trusting Him and being surrendered to Him I am questioning Him. My prayer the last two days is that God will allow me to think correctly about Him. I so want my heart and my mind to be set on Him and to be correct. Can you pray that for me as well? If anyone has any verses or thoughts on that I would love to hear-text me, message me on Facebook, leave a comment on here, etc. I need all the help I can get to believe truth! 

We recognize and see that God is being good to us in all of this, but it is also a struggle. We are thankful for all we are learning but also need lots of prayer as we go along on this beautiful journey!

Friday, July 6, 2012


I want to apologize for my inconsistency in posting updates on here. Who knew living without internet would effect so many things in my life?? My plan was to update it today with a long post, but that's not going to happen. I will post soon though! For now, just continue praying for us!!