The Racine's

The Racine's

Monday, October 14, 2013

Kaleigh Month 9

So here we are, 9 months old. Our little girl is not so little anymore. I have already started thinking about her first birthday party! This should not be happening!  We are so in love with her! We have had a very busy month. It all started with a trip to TN...

Kaleigh's cousin Shelby hadn't met her yet. She was precious with her! She fed her and wanted to hold her and talked to her. She has even named some of her baby dolls Kaleigh and makes her mom call her Mary Leslie because "she's baby Kaleigh's momma." PRECIOUS

We got to see Katie and Levi. Katie and I have been friends for many, many years and I am so thankful for her continued friendship. It was so fun to catch up and for her to meet Kaleigh. 

 Kaleigh loves spending time with her Poppy and Nonnie!!

We have watched lots of UT football and cheered them on. Go Big Orange!! Some people become UT fans, but some people are born UT fans :)

All ready for church!! 

One day we were giving her puffs and this is how it ended up! I love how it looks like she has buck teeth. She hasn't quite mastered feeding herself. She puts it in her palm, closes her hand around it and then sucks on her hand. Surely she will figure it out one day!

This little girl wants to crawl so bad! She will get up like this and then just kick her legs but doesn't go anywhere. She did get rolling down though so that is her mode of transportation. Also, if she is sitting up and falls over and we cheer for her she laughs and smiles, if we don't cheer she cries!

Our sweet little pumpkin! 

We were suppose to go to a Fall Fest with some friends, but it rained all day. I was so bummed. Here is a family picture anyway! 

Sweet Jenni moved to northern Indiana and was driving through Columbus so we got to see her! Love this girl and love that she got to meet Kaleigh! 

Isn't she so big! How did this happen?!

We got to spend a day hanging out with Graham and Aunt Jaye! They actually acknowledged each other's existence this time!!

It's starting to get chilly in what I like to call the "frozen tundra." Being from the South, that is what it feels like. Anyway, the point is, Kaleigh got to sport this cute little jacket!!

Our sweet baby girl is 9 months old!! Words could never, ever express how much we love this sweet girl. She is such a blessing and a joy and we are forever grateful for her! 

One sad thing did happen this month. On September 28th my sweet grandmother passed away. She has had Alzheimer's for about 10 years so it wasn't unexpected, but still sad. Most of my childhood memories have her in them. My brother and I were the only grandkids so we got lots of attention. They came every Christmas Eve and spent the night with us, we went to lunch at their house many Sundays (she would cook for a small army and it was GOOD!), they made sure everything was even-if they spent $1.06 more on my brother I would get that much in an envelope!, they came to school and church programs, they helped us so much when my mom was sick, they gave towards a college fund so I could be debt free and they loved us. Oh they loved us! This was my last living grandparent. I am so thankful that I had her as one of my grandmothers. She was precious and will be missed. We did get to go to TN again and see family and friends so we are thankful for that. Also, when we were in TN in June Kaleigh got to meet grandma. I will treasure this picture forever. 

As far as Kaleigh goes these are things she's doing, things she likes and things she does not like

Things she is doing:

*rolling everywhere
*sometimes waving bye bye
*got her second tooth 
*getting up on her knees and rocking

Things she likes:

*talking, talking, talking
*JUMPING in her jumper
*when we blow on her stomach
*playing peek-a-boo
*She smiles every time someone says "what does a cow say? moo" LOVES it!
*looking at books

Things she does not like:

*she really, really hates not getting her way! she is such a sassy pants!! 
*she also doesn't really like solid food-she could take it or leave it