The Racine's

The Racine's

Monday, June 1, 2015

So Thankful

One of our greatest blessings during this time of grief has been our sweet Kaleigh.

We are so thankful for her and the laughter she has brought to us the last few weeks. When I told my dad what was happening with the twins, one of the things he said was "think of all the times you got told no the first time and then you got Kaleigh." I knew exactly what he meant. We cannot imagine our lives without Kaleigh. We are so thankful we got told no the other times, because Kaleigh is perfect for our family. And we love her birth family more than we could ever say. We know one day we will look back on this and see how whatever baby God gives us will be the perfect baby for our family and we pray we have as great a relationship with the birth mother this time as we do with Kaleigh's.

Kaleigh has been saying lots of funny things lately. The laughter has helped heal our hearts and we are so thankful for her. Here are some funny things Kaleigh has been saying lately (and I know since I'm her mom I probably think they are funnier than they really are!):

-One day she fell hard and Heath ran over and picked her up and she was sobbing. All she would say is "my ponytail!!" She was so upset because she thought her ponytail got messed up!

-We were talking about her college fund and she said "I not going to college." I asked her why and she responded "I want to stay at home."

-Several months ago Heath told Kaleigh that coffee makes mommy happy. Now every time you ask her what makes mommy happy and every time we see Starbucks in Target (which I have never bought a drink from), she says "Coffee makes mommy happy."

-She had paci's in her crib at nap and night time so we decided to take them away. We told her she could go to Target and trade in her paci's for any toy she wanted. We talked it up for days and several times a day she told me she wanted a wallet. When we got to Target we went to the toy dept. and she picked up an Olaf and carried it around and then put it down and picked up a Care Bear. A few minutes later she said "I want to put this back and get a wallet." So she got a wallet-ridiculous.

There have been many more, but I realize only Heath, family and I will think these are funny! All of that to say, we are thankful for the beautiful gift that she is.