The Racine's

The Racine's

Friday, November 22, 2013

Tears Abound!

 Kaleigh has always been such a happy baby...that is until about three weeks ago. She got a cold and was getting a tooth and it was downhill from there. She literally was screaming her head off most of the day. I'd taken her to the doctor and been given the all clear, I tried to let her cry it out, I had tried pretty much everything. It was so wearing on me mentally and emotionally. It was so hard for me to realize she was upset, but not be able to figure out what it was. Part of it was she just wanted me all day every day. If I wasn't holding her then she was upset and sometimes when I was holding her she was upset. She wanted me, but she wanted down too. At one point when Heath got home I handed her to him and went upstairs. Here was our conversation:

Heath: Where are you going?
Heath: Why?
Me: It's quiet up there

I know that sounds ridiculous, but I seriously just needed a minute. I'm pretty sure every parent has faced days like. All of this really led me to see how much I really need the Lord to help me. Intellectually I know that I need Him to help me all the time, but I don't always feel that way and therefore I try to do this parenting gig on my own and in my own strength. I need Him. I need His help. I need His wisdom. I cannot do this on my own. I need His grace in my life.

I know there will be many more days like this:

And when those days come, I will need Jesus just like I need Him everyday. May God help me remember that. 

Isn't she cute even when she's crying?? :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh gracious! I've had MANY of those days! Sometimes a Momma just needs to potty without being interrupted or hearing screaming, its so normal! Hang in there and when you feel overwhelmed just say a prayer, take a deep breath and regroup! Oh and call Daddy and tell him its Girls Night, hahah!
