The Racine's

The Racine's

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Sweetest Words

"You're going to be a mommy!" Those are the sweetest words. Those are the words spoken to me by Angela at our adoption agency on Wednesday, October 17th around 12:30 in the afternoon. I will never forget that day or those words.

There were lots of other things surrounding that day that I don't have time to go into right now, but for those few moments, all of those other things disappeared from my mind. I was going to be a mommy and Heath was going to be a daddy.

As she spoke those words to me I immediately started bawling. I look up at Heath and he is crying too. It was the phone call we had been waiting for. As soon as we got off the phone with her we hugged and spent some time praying. We praised God for allowing us to be chosen and for bringing this sweet baby girl into our lives. We prayed for her health and that she would continue to develop in the womb. We prayed for the birth mother, thanking God for her and praying for peace for her. There was so much to rejoice in.

We immediately started calling family and friends to tell them our exciting news. They were so excited. Many of them cried right along with us. Many of them have prayed this little girl into our lives. Two things I know for sure, this little girl is loved and this little girl has been prayed for.

 I want to take a second and say THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for us in this and who has generously given of your money so that we can bring our daughter home. There are no words to express our gratitude, seriously no words. Thank you doesn't even begin to do it justice.

Our daughter is due January 6th in Ormond Beach, FL (right beside Daytona Beach). When we get the call, we will travel down either by car or by flight (depending on how last minute it is and how much the plane tickets are) and hopefully make it in time for the delivery. From there, the birth mother has to wait 48 hours before she can sign over rights. We will then have to stay in FL for up to 2 weeks for ICPC-which is a legal thing that allows us to leave FL and enter IN with our daughter. We will then travel back to IN (hopefully by flight) and begin the journey of raising our sweet girl.

To say we are excited would be an extreme understatement. We absolutely cannot wait to meet our daughter and bring her into our lives!! We are so so thankful to God for this sweet blessing in our lives. May He be glorified in this. This is a fun and exciting step on this beautiful journey!


  1. Oh my goodness, congrats to you both!!! So excited for this. I know you know this, but once you see her face and how perfectly she fits into YOUR family, the long difficult and difficult wait and disappointments will wash away like they never happened. I promise. :)

  2. I am still so SO excited for you!!!!!!! I can't wait until I can adopt!!!

    And on a cool side note, the second person who bought Piano Lessons at your silent auction starts next week! :)

  3. I am so happy for you and Heath! How exciting! Continuing to pray for you!

  4. Mary Leslie, what BEAUTIFUL news! I've been following your journey and your faith has been inspiring! Congratulations to you and Heath and will continue to pray through this experience!
