The Racine's

The Racine's

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post-Christmas thoughts

I so meant to get this post up before Christmas, but it just didn't happen so it's a post- Christmas blog about Christmas! This year I really wanted to be focused on Jesus. I know that sounds so silly to have to really focus on Him, but to be honest I can go through the season and not really think about Jesus that much (sad but true). This year I did an Advent study through Good Morning Girls ( and it was really helpful to be able to study more about Jesus and everyday to have my mind focused in on Him.

One verse really stuck out to me. Matthew 1:21 says "She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” To set the scene, an angel has just appeared to Joseph  and this is what he is being told. It's unbelievable if you think about it. Here is this angel proclaiming to Jesus' earthly dad that He will save the people from their sins. It was the very purpose for His birth. God, in His goodness, sent His one and only Son to save us from our sins.

His birth was for His death. If Jesus had not come to save us from our sins then there would be no hope. If Jesus was born, lived a sinless life and then died of old age there would be no hope. See thinking about Christmas leads me to thinking about Easter. God sent His Son in human likeness so He could live a sinless life on my behalf. He was born so that He could go to the cross sinless and bear the wrath of God for my sin. Yes, He died a terrible death by crucifixion, but the worst part was that He faced the wrath of God on my behalf for my sin. And He knew that from the beginning yet still willingly "became flesh and dwelt among us."(Jn 1:14)

So this Christmas, I didn't want to do what is so easy in our society and that's to take Christ out of Christmas. To be honest, I didn't do it perfectly, but I feel like this year was a huge step forward for me mostly in my heart and mind. I'm so thankful that Christ was born and so thankful for the opportunity to celebrate Him.

On a similar but side note, it really bothers me how we dismiss Christ out of Christmas. We're not suppose to say "Merry Christmas" but "Happy Holidays." We can't have nativity scenes set up in public anymore because "that's offensive." We're not suppose to talk about Jesus because what if it offends someone. Well, to be blunt, Christmas is a Christian holiday and if you don't like it, then just don't celebrate it. Gasp! I know, how could I say something like that? Because it's true. There are plenty of holidays other world religions celebrate that are totally fine and no one says anything about, but make something about Jesus and all of a sudden it's offensive. I just don't get it. I'm not saying do away with gift giving or Christmas trees or anything like that, I'm just saying let's focus on what it's really about-Jesus.

Okay, sorry about my little rant. I just could not stop thinking about that this year. Pray for me that I will continually grow in my love for and understanding of Jesus and that I will make my life about Him.

Thankful this Christmas for the greatest gift of all-Jesus who saves His people from their sins.


  1. Great post, Mary Leslie! It's too easy to get all caught up in the trappings of the season and forget that it's all about Jesus. Thanks for the reminder!

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