The Racine's

The Racine's

Friday, March 22, 2013

New Conclusion

My new conclusion: I care more about people than I do what my house looks like.

In a world where we often feel that we have it all together, that our house has to look like something decorated off pinterest and every square inch should be spotless, I feel like we have lost the art of just simple hospitality. I have found that since having Kaleigh my house is barely picked up and it looks like a baby store exploded in my house. For those reasons I have not wanted to have people over.

 To say Heath loves having people over is a major understatement. He would have people in our house every night if it were up to him. That very thought stresses me out to no end. He is constantly asking me who we should have over and I feel like I am constantly putting it off. I am realizing that one reason for that is that I want our house to be perfect before having people in it. Well that's changing.

I am currently in a Bible study in our church and this subject came up one morning and I have really been thinking about it. That's how I came to the conclusion that I care more about people than I do what my house looks like. I'm not saying that I don't want to take care of my house and that I am never going to clean it, but if we have the opportunity to have people into our house I don't want to pass it up just because my house isn't clean. People are more important.

So, if you come over to my house and there stacks of unopened mail, I still have my hoodie on, my floors haven't been mopped or anything else you may encounter, welcome. This is my life. We are glad you are a part of it!

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