The Racine's

The Racine's

Monday, March 11, 2013

Kaleigh Month 2

I cannot believe Kaleigh is 2 months old!! I think I will probably say that every month! Here is her month in review:

She celebrated her first Valentine's Day! She wanted to make sure everyone knew she was Mommy and Daddy's Valentine!


She got to meet Glory, Saige and Emet. And the Cazee's came for a visit!

She started having days like these:

 HAHA! She really is such a good baby, but she has definitely started to develop a little sassy side too (Heath says she is learning it from me!) One day Heath was out of town so when he called I just held the phone up to her and let her tell him what kind of day she was having.

Most of her days are like this:

 She started smiling this month. It seriously melts my heart. It's next to impossible to get a good picture of it so this is the best we could do. She also started recognizing our voices and will turn and look for us when she hears it. I love it!

She still spends her days with Mommy and Daddy. Heath is such a good daddy. I love seeing him with her.

Our dear friends from West Lafayette, the Cremeens, came and spent the night with us. Liam enjoyed checking Kaleigh out. He was so sweet and wanted to keep going to look at her in her crib while she was sleeping. He is getting so big. It was such a sweet treat to have them visit!

She got her 2 month shots. This is right before. She was snoozing away and then got a bit of a rude awakening. When they gave her the first one she immediately looked at me and started crying as if to say "what are you letting her do to me?" They let me pick her up as soon as they were done and she calmed right down. What a trooper!

She turned 2 months old!! 

 Love that pouty lip! It's so pitiful!!

We love her so much and are so thankful to be her Mommy and Daddy!

Things she likes:
*still playing with her tongue
*she is cooing a lot (especially in the morning)
*hitting the rattle on her play mat-I'm not convinced she knows what she's doing, but she likes it!
*sitting in her swing
*when I sing to her (she will often start making noises right along with me!)

Things she dislikes:
*still bath time...I'm talking screams the whole time :(
*the nasal aspirator...oh man does she hate it
*waking up and realizing she doesn't have her paci in her mouth

I think that's all for now! We love this little girl so much!!

1 comment:

  1. I still think those crying pictures are the stinkin cutest and funniest things ever!!! She's so mad but she's still just SOOO CUTE!!
