The Racine's

The Racine's

Friday, August 3, 2012

Adoption and the Gospel

God has been teaching me so much lately about adoption and the direct correlation with the gospel. There have been several times where it has just been a sweet reminder for me.

First, God Himself adopted me into His family. I once was not adopted. Because of my sin and my rebellion I was an enemy of God. Colossians 1:21 says "Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior."I was not part of God's family, I was alienated. That's bad news, but verse 22 goes on to say "But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation--" God sent Christ into this world to be my substitute. He took my sin on Himself so that I could be right with God and be brought into His family. It was nothing I did, it was all Him.

Secondly, I think about how much this adoption is going to cost us. I have to confess I often worry about it and wonder how we are going to make it happen. Two things about the gospel God has shown me through finances. One is that no matter how much I think this is costing us, it cost God more to adopt me into His family. He had to give His only Son and then pour out His wrath on Him to make me right with God. That's a high cost. I don't care how much this adoption costs us, it will never compare to how much it cost God. I just can't imagine. Even though it is costing us a lot to adopt, I am gladly doing it in order to receive a child and love that child (and I would spend as much as I had to). It's the same way with God. He knew the cost and He did it anyway so that I could be called His. The second thing God is teaching me about the gospel when it comes to finances is His unbelievable provision for us. We are within $850 of our goal for what we needed to raise. He has used countless people to allow that to happen. It has over and over again been an evidence of His grace in our lives.

Finally, (I say finally, but I know I have so much more to learn) I see the love of God for me a little more clearly. To be honest, I really struggle to understand God's love for me. That's a different post for a different day, but suffice it to say I struggle. Through this whole process I have been reminded of the deep love God has for His children. I have no idea where our baby is or who he/she is, but I already love him/her so much. I can't wait to call baby Racine my own. God is the same way, He delights in us being His.

I feel like I so poorly stated all of that and know that I will continually go deeper in my understanding of the gospel. I would not have signed up for this, but God has used our adoption process to teach me a lot about Him and about the gospel. For that I am thankful. God really does have us on a beautiful journey!

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