The Racine's

The Racine's

Monday, August 12, 2013

Kaleigh Month 7

I keep telling people Kaleigh is 6 months old...not true, she's 7 months old! She is getting so big and is starting to get a little personality. This was a month of "firsts" for us. It's so fun watching her grow! We love this little girl so much and are incredibly thankful for her! Here is our month in review:


We started off this month by visiting some sweet friends. I haven't seen Taylor in about a year and half and in that time she had Raye and we got Kaleigh so neither of us had met each others daughters. It was such a sweet time and I'm so thankful for Taylor! We also got to see the Cazee's and Lily, but we forgot to take pictures-boo!


Raye loved "leading" Kaleigh around and Kaleigh thought it was hillarious

We took Kaleigh by Heath's Alma Mater-USI

That same weekend we went to the Cooper's lake house and Kaleigh had her first time in the pool. She loved splashing around in the kiddie pool. She HATED the pontoon boat-I think we lasted about 3 minutes. It was such a fun day at the lake with our small group though!

She had her first time in the swing thanks to the Blair's. She loved it a lot!

Heath and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. I love this man!! 

She's learning to sit up all by herself! She's getting really good! 

 I got this jumper for $3 at a yard sale. BEST $3 I have EVER spent!! She loves this thing and goes totally crazy jumping in it! She just laughs and laughs and jumps and jumps

Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market!

Poppy and Nonnie came for a last minute visit!! We love it when they come!

Kaleigh liked drinking water. Then Mommy found out it had Sweet and Low in it and ruined all her fun!

She found her feet!

The Cremeens came to visit. Liam may or may not have asked Heath for Kaleigh's hand in marriage! I'm totally down with that. We love the Cremeens so much and are so thankful for the depth of friendship we have with them. 

Looking cute in her tutu! 

Our church had a family day at Spring Hill camp. It was a lot of fun. Kaleigh liked the lake!

This big girl sat up in the cart by herself for the first time!

For some reason these are terrible quality, but 7 months!! It's gone by so fast!

 This little girl is such a blessing!

We had a busy month!! This month has also been interesting in the fact that Kaleigh has begun to test the boundaries with us (ex. hitting, kicking, spitting food, etc) It's been a challenge for me to know when she's doing it on purpose and when it's an accident. Needless to say, I have been learning A LOT!

Things she is doing:
*sitting up
*still trying new foods-she likes squash, peas, applesauce, peaches; she does not like sweet potatoes, carrots and she thinks bananas are ok
*saying mamamamama and dadaadadada and bababababa-she has no idea what she's saying, but it's cute none the less; for some reason when she says dadadada it's really high pitched and cute but when it's mamamama it's in a really deep voice and so not cute-ha!!

Things she likes:
*her jumper! seriously the best $3 ever
*she's really getting into toys-she loves picking up different toys and playing with them
*she has 2 dolls that she loves to hold onto
*being in the pool/water

Things she dislikes:
*she still hates not getting her way-haha! she has become quite opinionated on how she thinks things should go
*sleeping in :( she use to wake up between 8 and 8:30, now it's typically between 6 and 7-sad day for this mamma!

This month has not been the easiest, but it still has been so fun and it has made me realize over and over again what a blessing she truly is. We are in love!!

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