The Racine's

The Racine's

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Next Steps

What is our next step? That's a great question. If anyone has the answer I would LOVE to hear it! We feel like we are at a crossroads. The doctors think the medicine is working (we won't know for sure until after another semen analysis) so there is potential we could get pregnant any month. There is also the potential that we won't ever get pregnant. So what do we do with that? Great question.

Way back before we ever started testing I asked Heath what he thought about adoption. His immediate answer was "it's not my first choice." Honestly it wasn't mine either. I wanted to be pregnant, to see the baby grow in me, to feel it kick and then to give birth (maybe not so excited about the last one, but wanted to experience it) When we thought about international adoption we just weren't sure. We have so many friends who have done or are in the process of doing international adoption and we are beyond excited for them, but for us it just didn't seem like the right fit.

In God's goodness, He put a woman in my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) group who is an adoption consultant. She began talking to me about domestic adoption. As I talked to her one day, I became excited about the thought of adoption for the first time. As I told Heath about it, he became more interested in it as well.

So what am I saying? Well nothing really. We have been thinking about and praying about adopting, but honestly we just aren't sure. It can be a long process, it's unbelievably expensive and we just can't come to a decision.

I write all of this to ask you to pray for us as we continue to seek God's wisdom on what He wants our next steps to be. It may be a time to wait and it may be a time to act, we really just aren't sure. Pray for His  wisdom and guidance for us as we go along on our beautiful journey.

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