The Racine's

The Racine's

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Adoption it is

That's right folks, Heath and I have decided to start the adoption process. AHHHH! Last Saturday we met with a friend of mine who is an adoption consultant. We both left feeling like we needed to seriously consider this option. We decided to hold off on making a decision until we made a few decisions on some other things. On Sunday, though, as we began to talk about it we realized that we need to just step out on faith and ask God to do this for us. We are going to be doing a domestic adoption. We are excited about this but also very nervous.

It is unbelievably overwhelming to start this process. Which agency do we use? How long are we willing to wait for a child (that determines how expensive it is)? How are we ever going to afford this (it's unbelievably expensive if you want to try to know for sure you won't wait 2+ years)? Will God raise up the money we need? How do we even fundraise for something like this? Will people be willing to give? What if we never get picked? What if we get picked then the birth mom changes her mind? That just barely scrapes the surface of what has been going through our minds. Like I said, it's unbelievably overwhelming.

One thought has been good for me though: Just take the next step. That's all. I don't have to worry about the finances or getting picked or whatever else might be driving me crazy, I just need to take the next step. So for now, the next step is to get our home study done. That's all. That's all I need to get done, that's all I need to think about in regards to this, that's all. So we have begun paperwork for that and will hopefully have an appointment with our case worker in the next 2 weeks.

Please be praying for us as we begin this part of the beautiful journey. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. What great news!!! I will be praying for you and Heath.
