The Racine's

The Racine's

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Crazy Week!

This week was crazy!! On Tuesday we official signed up with Christian Adoption Consultants (CAC). They are a consulting firm who works with many different agencies so you can apply to several instead of just one. In God's goodness, He placed Carlee in my Bible Study group this year. Carlee is one of the consultants with CAC. She has talked us through this whole process and has prayed for us continually. We are so thankful to have her along the way to help.

Carlee is also a social worker so she was able to do our home study. We completed that on Wednesday. I have always thought of home studies as scary and overwhelming, and even though there is a lot of paper work, it was in no way scary. I think it helped that Carlee was doing it and made us feel really relaxed. She told us to expect our home study to be done in about a month and that is when we can start applying to agencies. Well, our home study is almost done!! She pounded through it and all of our background checks came back (except for the KY one, and it should come soon!!) So we should be able to begin applying soon.

The rest of the week was spent doing a lot of other adoption related things. One thing was finishing our profile book. A profile book is a picture book that also describes your family. When a birth mother decides she wants to give her baby up for adoption you are able to "present" which means you want her to look at your profile book. So we finished that up with week.

Another thing we are working on is a fundraiser at our church. On May 5th we are having a dinner and a silent auction. Our church family has been so supportive and so helpful! I am working with a couple of ladies to get donations and plan the event. We are excited to see what God will do through this!

Whew! What a week. It has been busy, but amidst the busyness God has been reminding me of my need to trust Him in this. It's not up to me to find a baby for us, it's up to Him. It's not up to me to raise the finances we need, it's up to Him (and He's already doing it, before we've officially started!). None of this is in my control, it's in His and I can trust Him. This has been a busy week on our beautiful journey, but again, He is with us all the way!

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