The Racine's

The Racine's

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Since it's about to be Thanksgiving I decided I would write about things that I am thankful for as we have gone through this part of our journey. Like I have said before, this part of our journey has been really, really hard for Heath and me, but even in the hard times we have much to be thankful for.

1. The gospel. I seriously don't know how people who aren't Christians can face infertility. I have needed to be reminded of the gospel so much in the last few months. To see how God provided for my greatest need in salvation, leads me to know He is providing for me now. To see how in a seemingly hopeless situation I have hope because of Christ is unbelievably comforting to me. I could go on and on but you get the drift.

2. Heath. I am so thankful to have a husband who loves me and supports me through this. Heath lets me cry, lets me be angry, lets me feel every emotion I have yet he continue to leads me back to truth. He prays for me and for us. Every night when he prays he asks God for babies. He shares God's word with me and pushes me to believe it. He loves me and tells me often. I won't bore you with it all but I am unbelievably privileged to be married to him.

3. Our families. We didn't tell our families for a long time what was going on (maybe later I'll post our reasons for that). When we did tell them they were so supportive of us. They continually ask us how it is going, ask us how we are doing, encourage us and just back us 100%. We are so thankful to have our families and to have their support.

4. Kari. As I mentioned in my first post moving to West Lafayette wasn't super easy for me, but God has provided a sweet friendship for me with Kari. Words cannot express how thankful I am for her. Our lives are pretty much identical-we both were on staff with CO for a while before we got married, we both moved here from the south, we both were friendless (for the most part) when we moved here, we got married within months of each other and were both still in college ministry when we met. Suffice it to say God provided for me in her. Through this season of my life she has listened to me, offered advice, pointed me to truth, prayed for me, texted me before and after almost every doctors visit, watched me "ugly cry" and has just supported me in ways I probably don't even know. I am beyond thankful for her friendship.

5. My small group girls (both new and old). These women have heard about our struggle with infertility for a long time. They have stood beside me and prayed for me. They have encouraged me and let me cry with them. They have invited me over to eat chocolate and cry! They have listened to me week after week describe my struggles and have let me struggle through it (in a good way). I am so thankful to have friendships with women who let me be me. Again, I don't think words can describe how thankful I am.

6. Our church. Kossuth Street Baptist Church is an unbelievable body of believers who love God and His word and strive to live in light of those two things. It is one of the main reasons we didn't want to leave West Lafayette. As we have gone through this struggle we have been surrounded by a body of believers who, although they don't know us that well, have come alongside us and are fighting this with us. We are also so thankful for Pastor Whipple's teaching each week that points us back to truth and encourages us to trust God.

7. Praying friends. We have lots of them! For a long time I would send out Facebook messages to my friends to update them on what was going on and how they could pray. Through those months I was continually receiving messages telling me they were praying for me and I could tell. I am so thankful for that group of women, as well as many others now that the news is more public, who have lifted Heath and me up in prayer.

This is a small list of things I am thankful for during this season. I know there are many more things to be thankful for and there is no doubt I left A LOT of things out. We are thankful. We are thankful that God is leading us on this journey and for the people He has placed around us on this part of our beautiful journey.

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